Thursday, November 6, 2008

finally back at brown!!!

Hello everyone!!! It feels good to be back at brown. The plane ride went smoothly, Robin Rose picked us up from the airport. I am so happy to be back here. We came back to Brown for a symposium , that will hopefully help us with our projects. In the morning we get to go to colleges classes and listen to the professor speak. We'll actually get to experience a college class. Besides that, we have really nice rooms. They are way nicer then the dorms we had this summer. I really enjoy being back and I'd like to thank everyone that helped get us here. Well we're all really tired so goodnite. There will be more blogs to come!


Charles Ramsey said...

Nice post Gina, thanks for taking the time to send us your thoughts and sharing your enthusiasm in being back on the Brown University Campus. Remember we want lots of posts as well as some pictures. We want to see what Brown looks like during late fall. I hope that you also get a chance to visit Thayer Street.

As a person who now has had the chance to be on campus twice in a year it must be very exciting. Please make sure that Jessica and Adriana participate on the blog and send us their comments. I want you to also interview Ms. Jann and Robin Rose so we can hear from them and learn how they feel about the Conference.

Glad that you are having fun and I am sure that you will have a lot to bring back to Richmond High School.

Take care.

Charles T. Ramsey
School Board Member
West Contra Costa
Unified School District

Madeline Kronenberg said...


Thanks for taking the time to put up the post. It means a lot to hear from you. I am looking forward to hearing about all the projects and hearing how they are helping with your project.

How's the weather? Keep warm.

Don Gosney said...

Gina⎯Great to hear from Our Ladies at Brown.

It’s always great to know that your trip was comfortable. You being “young” and the rest of us being “old”, we have the luxury (or the curse) of being able to compare travel today against travel in days gone by when the airlines actually cared about you as a customer, bent over backwards to accommodate you and treated you as something other than they would in some third world nation with chicken coops strapped to the roof of the bus and passengers making tea in the aisles of the airplane (don’t laugh⎯it’s been done).

Hearing that you’re being housed in nicer digs is a plus as well. If all you need is a bed and a bath then Motel 6 is good enough but when you actually have to live there⎯even if it’s just for a few days⎯then a bed and a bath just won’t do.

I look forward to reading about your “real” college classes. We have the highest confidence in you all and know that not only will you hold your own (or more) but that you’ll bring back with you plenty of stories for us to learn from.

As much as I admire and respect my old friend Charles, sometimes he’s dyslexic in his writing. When he wrote that “we want lots of posts as well as some pictures”, what he meant to write was that “we want lots of pictures as well as some posts” because we all know that pictures tell us so much more than words⎯at least the right kinds of pictures do.
